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Jan 24, 2011

Under constuction

My life is currently under construction and writing has become a gruling task. Hang in there post are soon to follow.

Jan 4, 2011

Allot the Cyberlife.

“Facebook is a social utility that connects you with the people around you”. Instant messaging, texting and twitter are the languages spoken by the global village. Texting rewrote the dictionary, omitting vowels and using abbreviations to express sentiment. IM services transformed the use of smart phones and twitter is a must for any socialite. Staying up to date with the numerous networks is a daunting task. It has become a social necessity to read the thoughts of others, daily. In spite of comments and updates that leaves one wondering about whether intelligent life on earth exist, it is still found to be  more important to know what is meant by “it’s complicated” as a relationship status...  As of 2011 Facebook is ranked the most visited website on the internet, the first website to fox Google.

Jan 2, 2011

The psychology of the New Year’s resolution

Do New Year’s resolutions make you Fat? Indeed they do!

Twelve o’clock came and went, songs were sung and “happy new years” was said. No new year’s party is complete without making a new year’s resolution. Something of great importance needs to be declared, publicly. Between being very drunk and passing out, a moment for sober thought, to think of one thing essential for making the New Year a success. Proud as a dog; declare to exercise more, keep fit and eat healthy.  Befuddled, this is no laughing matter and should be taken seriously. Resolving to join a gym, determined to visit no less than five times a week, it is possible (roughly calculated by guessing) to be in shape by April.

New Year’s resolutions are dumb, daft, foolish and fruity. They are rarely committed to and in general not even worth executing. They are like children, fun to make, horrible to have. The only thing separating a New Year’s resolution and any other firmness of purpose is the fact that it is made on the first day of the first month. This means that numbers separated by dashes and written as a date controls one’s self image. Improvement implies fault.  This is self destructive behaviour on a subconscious level. Not only breaking down self esteem but also setting up for failure.

Life has enough troubles as it is, don’t get caught up in miserable practices, instead celebrate New Year’s Eve thinking of qualities already mastered that inspire and uplift.

Dec 31, 2010


In the natural world actions are based on instinct. A lion hunts because it knows instinctively that it has to eat to survive. Trees in the Amazonian rain forest compete for sunlight; they will keep on growing until they reach the forest canopy. Instinct as appose to choice. This uncomplicated system brings order to the natural world.

Being human means having the ability to think and make choices, the natural choice being self preservation. Focusing on your own needs and desires is seen as most important. Self involvement complicates the human world causing simple things to seem unmanageable. Walking in a crowd of people for example is a strenuous exercise demanding skill and precision. People push and pull in every which way, individually, trying to overturn the general consensus of direction.  Unfortunately this is seldom the best practice for getting the job done. In nature there is symbiosis. In humanity, chaos. The simplest forms of creation is the most organised, why then are we incapable of achieving such beautiful simplicity and natural rhythm?

Dec 29, 2010

Alcoholics Anonymous

Before television, theatre or sport when bored open a bottle or pop a cork.

Mankind has always found himself in need of a drink be it for recreational or medicinal use and though there are no records to confirm the origin of alcohol (probably because they who found it got drunk and forgot to write anything down) the first written account that can be verified was 6000 years ago.  Alcohol, before becoming a popular sport was used for worship and to honour the gods of old. Alcohol is still used today in some cultures for religious purposes but this has become a mere object of tradition. Commercialism and the public media promote drinking with such vigour that you cannot help yourself but to join in for a brew.  Advertisements sell false dreams of happiness in a bottle of friendship that stand the taste of time and status obtainable only by those who drink red’ Slogans like these are meant to convince you that alcohol makes you a stronger, better more fulfilled person when in actuality it makes you a fool. How many times have you heard or said these exact words “I’m never going to drink again” contemplating one of the worst hangovers you ever had. A virtue short lived come Friday night! There is a saying “without imagination you are dead” and alcohol has a grip on human imagination having a good time takes no real creativeness all you need are a few friends (people serving the single purpose of being your drinking buddies) and as much alcohol as possible there you have it a good time without putting any effort into activities or ideas.

The naked promises of beauty in a bottle and held atop.

Drinking lowers ambition and heightens sexual desire a sure fire way of regretting tomorrow. The problem lies not with desire nor does it lie with sex or love or any physical or emotional attraction or act upon such attraction in any way the problem lies with the measure of how these feelings are induced. My attack is aimed at the profit hungry monkeys that coin from inability calls it a farce and shifts the blame back on the consumer leaving him poorer and more determined to win the next round of a fixed game. 

Winded he stands alone and scorned and by his own his loss his last drop.

Blind neglect forces a man down until he’s pride withers and calls mercy. The word alcoholism was founded in 1848 and is notably used to describe a disease.  Alcoholism is a disease, it might sound like a horrible infection but to those who live with the label unwilling to do anything about it is a comfort word to describe circumstances he/she can’t control and cannot change.  Self help books and alcoholics anonymous groups preach that the first step to recovery is admittance a lie widely believed to be correct but it’s a half truth admitting one is an alcoholic makes no difference to the habit of drinking and one might continue admitting to the word for as long as he/she is still live without ever putting the bottle down. Admit not to a word accept failure and recover forthwith.

His name not forgotten Rorke