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Dec 24, 2010

Christmas Hocus Pocus

Every year millions of people celebrate this joyous occasion. Christmas means Spending the holidays with friends and family, sharing a Christmas dinner together, the pleasure had from giving and receiving gifts and a Man dressed in a red, fat-suite. Christmas is believed to be a Christian holiday in remembrance of Jesus Christ who sacrificed his life for mankind in order for us to share in His eternal glory and majesty a celebration of the birth of Christ and gift giving a metaphor for the gift of eternal life.
If you like to believe this fairy tale stop reading now! You won’t like what you find.
Removing the vail from Christmas methodology a whole new story unravels an underworld discovered that shakes the foundations of pop culture. The exact date Jesus was born is not accounted for in the bible there are only references made to Tiberius and Augustus and the timeframe in which they lived and ruled over the Roman Empire from this the monk Dionysius Exiguus calculated the birthday of Jesus Christ in pre-Christian years (ab urbe condita).  The date was only later refined to a more readable and understandable format of AD.  There is still speculation to His date of birth but with a degree of certainty his birthday was calculated to be March 28th and not as they will have us believe on the 25th of December but this date still holds significance as a Pagan holiday. The last day of Saturnalia a Roman pagan tradition of lawlessness in the weeks 17th to 25th December no person could be prosecuted for crimes such as destruction of property and violence. In each Roman Pagan community one citizen was chosen and he/she was forced to indulge in pleasure lust and desire and on the last day of the celebration he/she was brutally murdered to cleanse the city of sin.  The origin of Christmas is as a matter of fact an occult tradition and many of the trinkets we use today as part of Christmas traditions like mistletoe (mistletoe is used as a druid potion to sacrifice human victims), Christmas trees (pagans worshipped trees and brought them into their homes and decorated them for worship) and Christmas presents (originating from the feast of Kalends celebrating the birth of the sun god) are cult related items with a coat of Christianity over them.
Historically Christmas has no bases and all the traditions are adaptations from cults but where there is popular believe there are people willing to pay money for it and people smart enough to profit from it, it is a well oiled machine that is designed for one purpose and that is to make money brainwashing the populace and scamming them out of their hard earned cash to splurge on material things. This so called “Christian tradition” of gift giving is anyway in strict contrast to the love of God and the love of money (mammon) or material possession. Who cares right? Everyone gets things for free or it has a ring of freedom to it but add up what you spent on gifts and you might as well buy something for yourself instead of getting some horrible object that will only be used to kill spiders and bugs with.
In defence of Christmas, the point has never been of historical note but of human connection, sharing, love and emotion.  Enjoy the singing the wrapping, eating and unravelling of Christmas because it is just that a celebration of humanity and nothing more.

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