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Dec 18, 2010


Habits are the things that give our lives substance if it not for habits there won’t be any order to the world.  Look at yourself and for one day try to observe each one of your habits. The next day try to avoid doing any of those habits. 
The human brain is a fascinating muscle.  To explain why habits are easily formed, and broken with difficulty without boring you or rambling on let me get right into it. Thought stimulate electrical charges in the brain (different parts of the brain do different activities) and these electrical charges connect through neural pathways to each other using a specific route as a result cells are formed in your body that influence behaviour.  
A long standing habit I had was standing up in the morning making a cup of coffee and lighting the first cigarette to start another “beautiful” morning (I’m a morning monster and absolutely despise the morning,  it should be banned and morning people who wakes one up should be outlawed and stoned to death.) With that said back to how habits work as I have explained before for certain actions to happen certain electrical pulses have to be communicated inside the brain and by repetitive action or habit that signal gets strengthened. Keep in mind that when the brain first communicated the habit a specific neural pathway was formed and as long as I kept at it the stronger the signal became and the easier it was for the brain to connect the specific thought with that specific action. Thus every morning when I wake up I automatically make a cup of coffee and smoke a cigarette.
This is how all habits are formed. The good the bad and the ugly! Try this theory out for yourself  I found it useful  maybe you can too.

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