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Dec 15, 2010

Stupid is as stupid does.

Stupidity is a world wide epidemic. A virus feeding of the weak minded and the corrupt. Stupidity is  being promoted as a pass time a best time activity to keep ourselves busy when technology fails to efficiently entertain us. When did it become socially acceptable to advertise people bent on self destruction as a hobby. Hurting oneself physically for entertainment purposes has existed for many centuries.

In some cultures untouched by western civilization inflicting pain upon oneself was something of a spiritual journey into manhood. This procedure is frowned upon by the western world stating that these people are possessed.
Somewhere the signals got all mixed up and now it's a fad to hit your buddy straight in the teeth with a baseball bat and capture the footage on a camcorder upload the media to your you tube account for a few laughs and the admiration of your peers. Get creative on you tube and it would soon become apparent how at ease the world finds itself with senseless pain inflicted either on oneself or others. Whereas the cultures that used pain infliction as a teaching tool has been branded. Taboo.

Extreme sports cannot in any way be blamed for people hurting themselves unnecessarily these sports are art forms that take years to perfect and constant practice to execute properly although these athletes live with the constant threat of death and serious injury the purpose of these stunts is to entertain.

Shows like jackass paved the way for mainstream broadcasting of stunts intentionally designed to inflict pain on an individual there is no art form to it nor any skill required it is wholly based on stupidity. Shortly afterwards shows alike popped up everywhere and the limits are constantly pushed to see how close one can come to taste death and still stay alive. The famous were replaced with the infamous stars of the underworld making clips available all over the net depicting stunts no man with an IQ greater than ten will think wise to attempt. What we don't see on you tube and other video related media including T.V is the aftermath for these people. Everyone gets their fifteen minutes of fame! 

Stupid things happen to stupid people. If you are dumb enough to participate in activities like these and you got seriously injured I have no sympathy for you whatsoever because even the most simple  minded animals have enough sense not to hurt themselves on purpose why then did you allow your friends to through you down two flights of stairs as a joke didn't it ac cure to you that something will go horribly wrong. Think before you act I can't believe I have to write this down, not so long ago this was common knowledge.  

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