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Dec 13, 2010

Travel Space time.

It is said that it is impossible to go faster than the speed of light, to travel at the speed of light it will take infinite energy and finite speed or infinite speed and finite energy. But this assumption seems to be breaking down due to new discovery's.

Yes this is all very theoretical and my explanation is simplified but what knowledge I have gathered gave me the following results. Let's start with the spin on sub-atom particles they are particles with certain fixed properties (not going to explain this further, If you want to know more Google it). These sub atomic particles do something quite bazaar . If the one changes form the other one assumes a opposite form almost instantly and this can happen over very large distances thus they are somehow connected to communicate with each other and this happens faster than c (the speed of light). This is only one of the many questions quantum physics tries to answer but to date we still need more research on these subjects. The other theory is that of time travel. Yes time travel. With enough speed 99.9% of c in a medium (vessel) the time will slow down for occupants inside the vessel but it will stay the same for an observer outside the vessel. e.g if a train goes around the earth at nearly the speed of light then one week in the train will be about a hundred years on earth ( not exact figures) Thus it is said that if a person in that train going at nearly the speed of light runs forward in the train will the rules of physics apply. Will the person running inside the vessel be able to run fast enough to break the speed barrier c or will her movement slow down to compensate for c? Cerenkov radiation states that it is possible for a particle to move faster than the speed of light inside a medium and leaving a shock wave behind. ( much like a sonic boom when the sound barrier is broken.) Cerenkov radiation is observed at sub atomic levels but the same cone effect applies. If assumed that c can be broken and the object inside the train/vessel/medium can still move at normal speed (remember that the phenomenon of time travel is only from an observers point of view, a static object on the outside that observes time going by.) Then that object moving with enough velocity plus the velocity of the medium at 99.9% of c the speed of light has been broken.

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