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Dec 18, 2010


Habits are the things that give our lives substance if it not for habits there won’t be any order to the world.  Look at yourself and for one day try to observe each one of your habits. The next day try to avoid doing any of those habits. 
The human brain is a fascinating muscle.  To explain why habits are easily formed, and broken with difficulty without boring you or rambling on let me get right into it. Thought stimulate electrical charges in the brain (different parts of the brain do different activities) and these electrical charges connect through neural pathways to each other using a specific route as a result cells are formed in your body that influence behaviour.  
A long standing habit I had was standing up in the morning making a cup of coffee and lighting the first cigarette to start another “beautiful” morning (I’m a morning monster and absolutely despise the morning,  it should be banned and morning people who wakes one up should be outlawed and stoned to death.) With that said back to how habits work as I have explained before for certain actions to happen certain electrical pulses have to be communicated inside the brain and by repetitive action or habit that signal gets strengthened. Keep in mind that when the brain first communicated the habit a specific neural pathway was formed and as long as I kept at it the stronger the signal became and the easier it was for the brain to connect the specific thought with that specific action. Thus every morning when I wake up I automatically make a cup of coffee and smoke a cigarette.
This is how all habits are formed. The good the bad and the ugly! Try this theory out for yourself  I found it useful  maybe you can too.

Dec 16, 2010

Living in the Future

In 2007 a mathematical equation was developed that predicted the amount of knowledge available for human consumption. In the year 2012 knowledge gathered would be double that to what it was in the year 2000 and in the year 2020 it would start to double exponentially. If this equation still holds up today is uncertain but when observing the ever changing world around me I start to wonder.

Observing the stars glimmering in the night sky I remember a simpler time until a satellite passes overhead and I'm once again reminded of  technology ever present and lingering, tracking our every movement and recording every action.. Things that were once only real in science fiction novels are now as real as you and I. When it was first announced that a probe will be sent to Mars to measure atmospheric pressure and gather ground samples we stood in awe of human perseverance and in the endless possibilities technology had to offer. Since then countless rovers have been sent to Mars to linger on the surface of the not so lonely red planet unfortunately every exploration has it's casualties there are three rovers currently active on the surface of Mars. Spirit, opportunity and Pathfinder. 

We came we saw we conquered leaving no stone unturned and no bounty left behind. Looking for a home from home we wonder farther into the depths of space. A space probe called Cassini is our new hope. She made a journey all the way  to Saturn and is currently in orbit around Titan one of Saturn's moons. It was reported that Titan has the same elements and materials that was needed for the creation of earth (If this isn't a good enough reason to visit then what is?) Cassini took with her a smaller probe named Huygens. Huygens was designed for a very special purpose to land and explore Titan. She touched down on the surface on 30th June 2004. Yes we have prevailed once again one step for man one giant leap for Cassini-Huygens.

Space is literally littered with satellites, probes, telescopes and space stations the final frontier has been capitalized on. Currently there are three thousand satellites orbiting earth and approximately eight thousand man made objects according to NASA. Mankind in all his glory made it possible to set foot on a moon of a distant planet millions of miles away but we did not have the foresight to regulate the objects in our own orbit. The result of this carelessness was conveniently dubbed “space junk” a word made up by NASA to refers to pieces of broken off satellites that crash into each other and leaf a trail of debris.

The implications of space junk can become far greater than we realize. Debris crossing into the atmosphere to large to burn up can cause serious injury and death on a grand scale. We might not be at risk as of yet but ignoring a problem doesn't mean it goes away. Other satellites and man made objects are also at risk because they have limited ability to change direction quickly and although  NASA claims they follow each piece of space junk and knows to whom it belongs doesn't necessarily guarantee the integrity and safety of equipment worth millions of dollars.

Dec 15, 2010

Stupid is as stupid does.

Stupidity is a world wide epidemic. A virus feeding of the weak minded and the corrupt. Stupidity is  being promoted as a pass time a best time activity to keep ourselves busy when technology fails to efficiently entertain us. When did it become socially acceptable to advertise people bent on self destruction as a hobby. Hurting oneself physically for entertainment purposes has existed for many centuries.

In some cultures untouched by western civilization inflicting pain upon oneself was something of a spiritual journey into manhood. This procedure is frowned upon by the western world stating that these people are possessed.
Somewhere the signals got all mixed up and now it's a fad to hit your buddy straight in the teeth with a baseball bat and capture the footage on a camcorder upload the media to your you tube account for a few laughs and the admiration of your peers. Get creative on you tube and it would soon become apparent how at ease the world finds itself with senseless pain inflicted either on oneself or others. Whereas the cultures that used pain infliction as a teaching tool has been branded. Taboo.

Extreme sports cannot in any way be blamed for people hurting themselves unnecessarily these sports are art forms that take years to perfect and constant practice to execute properly although these athletes live with the constant threat of death and serious injury the purpose of these stunts is to entertain.

Shows like jackass paved the way for mainstream broadcasting of stunts intentionally designed to inflict pain on an individual there is no art form to it nor any skill required it is wholly based on stupidity. Shortly afterwards shows alike popped up everywhere and the limits are constantly pushed to see how close one can come to taste death and still stay alive. The famous were replaced with the infamous stars of the underworld making clips available all over the net depicting stunts no man with an IQ greater than ten will think wise to attempt. What we don't see on you tube and other video related media including T.V is the aftermath for these people. Everyone gets their fifteen minutes of fame! 

Stupid things happen to stupid people. If you are dumb enough to participate in activities like these and you got seriously injured I have no sympathy for you whatsoever because even the most simple  minded animals have enough sense not to hurt themselves on purpose why then did you allow your friends to through you down two flights of stairs as a joke didn't it ac cure to you that something will go horribly wrong. Think before you act I can't believe I have to write this down, not so long ago this was common knowledge.  

Internet Porn

Porn! the devils bastard child. Be honest have you never sneaked a peek?  It's the moral decay of civilization. People are visually stimulated men more so than woman but still no one with a pretty face or a gorgeous body will go unnoticed.

 People can't seem to stop jabbering about relationships this one left this one for that one and that one slept with this one sister and so on. Jerry Springer! The truth of the matter lies a bit deeper on a subconscious level the brain is like a sponge what goes in gets absorbed and the more the mind gets stimulated with the same messages the more that message gets accepted. MTV! FHM! Cosmopolitan! Playboy! All these institutions are built to profit from our ignorance. There is an attractive allure to them (I'm not shifting blame or making accusations and most certainly not pretending that I am excluded. I'm just observing idiotic behaviour as part of the human condition). These images sell us a false reality of how things are meant to be perceived. People buy into these lies because we are conditioned to accept them as the status quo and being accepted is more important than being yourself. 

Things have to be perfect or their nothing at all if your relationship isn't great at all times and you and your partner argue then the relationship is as good as bust. For every possible problem mankind can encounter there is a possible solution, answer or cure that can be sold or bought it’s called the doctrine for all things ape-shit. Notice the ideology here there is a quick fix to everything. 

Look around at the subscripts on the magazines at your nearest newsstands men’s magazines are all about sex, having the right moves, getting her into bed on the first date every topic is about sex awareness. The penis pump for instance your package is too small and putting a bicycle pump over it will make it larger amazing the things people will believe. Woman’s magazines are just as corrupt. How to get your man, want the perfect body... Tummy tucks, face lifts, boob jobs (I like those too) all of it just to look better on the outside but the inside is still a complete mess. You can't fool yourself only the mirror is vain enough to believe you.

All creatures are meant to procreate humans have the unfair advantage of spawning with a mate he/she loves. Love is no simple topic (believe me when I say I'm not in the business of belittling the great institution of love) in the society we live perfection is required tip the scale and ease and comfort is sought after. These two contradict each other and always will but put a dollar sign in between them and all of a sudden they add up. Having the perfect body takes practice and exercise diet pills are placebo you can't expect to lose weight when you don't eat right or do any exercises. Face the facts if you are a fat bloke you’re never going to be a skinny bloke. You can cut a few pounds but be realistic. Looking for the perfect partner that matches your distinct criteria is like saving the ice cube from the cold. Hard work and commitment are the things needed to create real sentiment and value and this is true for all relationships.  

The grand exit! Media is constantly bombarding us with images of perfect relationships and a wonderful sex life these images seeps into the deepest cavities of our personal existence and when the dreams of white picket fences and 2 and a half children are destroyed you are left with nothing. Woman are crushed and develop self esteem problems, commitment issues. Men don't do soft but the affect of rejection is the same. Where will one find acceptance now? The capitalist market comes to the rescue once again. INTERNET PORN!


Dec 14, 2010

Music is money.

Michael Jackson. You might like him or you might think his music isn't entirely black and white but it cannot be denied that this man was one of the greatest pop stars that ever lived.

The music he made inspired a new era but alas his fall was as great as his climb to the top. Being accused of child molestation isn't something you want to be remembered for. Something went horribly wrong for him. I'm not defending the man such accusations rarely come without merit but one can have a little bit of sympathy for a man that had everything and lost it all because he went mad.

When I heard about the release of his new album entitled "Michael" released just before Christmas 2010 I was stunned to say the least. Astonishing! The reality is that the soul of the music disappeared. If you love his music buy the albums produced when he was still alive.

The new album is collaborated with many other artist, singers and songwriters. The essence of Michael Jackson is lost in the new album. The real reason for the launch of the album is no secret. The record companies want more money and will even profit from the dead. They will do so with total disregard of human life once the record companies own you, you never get out even in death.

The immorality of the music industry is getting worse there is nothing these people won't do to make money and in the process real music is dying and the masses are fed with garbage to consume our time and thoughts. It means nothing to be a musician these days. A record company takes a pretty face gives it some vocal training dress it in tight jeans and there you have it a star is born. The music is written by other people the composition of the music done behind the scenes none of it is real.
Why is this so important? Because there are no standards for what is wrong or right in the world any more. Music was one thing that made sense and gave meaning to us all. WIthout it freewill will soon be a thing of the past because thinking for yourself has become to much trouble. Why think if you don't have to?


Dec 13, 2010

Travel Space time.

It is said that it is impossible to go faster than the speed of light, to travel at the speed of light it will take infinite energy and finite speed or infinite speed and finite energy. But this assumption seems to be breaking down due to new discovery's.

Yes this is all very theoretical and my explanation is simplified but what knowledge I have gathered gave me the following results. Let's start with the spin on sub-atom particles they are particles with certain fixed properties (not going to explain this further, If you want to know more Google it). These sub atomic particles do something quite bazaar . If the one changes form the other one assumes a opposite form almost instantly and this can happen over very large distances thus they are somehow connected to communicate with each other and this happens faster than c (the speed of light). This is only one of the many questions quantum physics tries to answer but to date we still need more research on these subjects. The other theory is that of time travel. Yes time travel. With enough speed 99.9% of c in a medium (vessel) the time will slow down for occupants inside the vessel but it will stay the same for an observer outside the vessel. e.g if a train goes around the earth at nearly the speed of light then one week in the train will be about a hundred years on earth ( not exact figures) Thus it is said that if a person in that train going at nearly the speed of light runs forward in the train will the rules of physics apply. Will the person running inside the vessel be able to run fast enough to break the speed barrier c or will her movement slow down to compensate for c? Cerenkov radiation states that it is possible for a particle to move faster than the speed of light inside a medium and leaving a shock wave behind. ( much like a sonic boom when the sound barrier is broken.) Cerenkov radiation is observed at sub atomic levels but the same cone effect applies. If assumed that c can be broken and the object inside the train/vessel/medium can still move at normal speed (remember that the phenomenon of time travel is only from an observers point of view, a static object on the outside that observes time going by.) Then that object moving with enough velocity plus the velocity of the medium at 99.9% of c the speed of light has been broken.