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Dec 15, 2010

Internet Porn

Porn! the devils bastard child. Be honest have you never sneaked a peek?  It's the moral decay of civilization. People are visually stimulated men more so than woman but still no one with a pretty face or a gorgeous body will go unnoticed.

 People can't seem to stop jabbering about relationships this one left this one for that one and that one slept with this one sister and so on. Jerry Springer! The truth of the matter lies a bit deeper on a subconscious level the brain is like a sponge what goes in gets absorbed and the more the mind gets stimulated with the same messages the more that message gets accepted. MTV! FHM! Cosmopolitan! Playboy! All these institutions are built to profit from our ignorance. There is an attractive allure to them (I'm not shifting blame or making accusations and most certainly not pretending that I am excluded. I'm just observing idiotic behaviour as part of the human condition). These images sell us a false reality of how things are meant to be perceived. People buy into these lies because we are conditioned to accept them as the status quo and being accepted is more important than being yourself. 

Things have to be perfect or their nothing at all if your relationship isn't great at all times and you and your partner argue then the relationship is as good as bust. For every possible problem mankind can encounter there is a possible solution, answer or cure that can be sold or bought it’s called the doctrine for all things ape-shit. Notice the ideology here there is a quick fix to everything. 

Look around at the subscripts on the magazines at your nearest newsstands men’s magazines are all about sex, having the right moves, getting her into bed on the first date every topic is about sex awareness. The penis pump for instance your package is too small and putting a bicycle pump over it will make it larger amazing the things people will believe. Woman’s magazines are just as corrupt. How to get your man, want the perfect body... Tummy tucks, face lifts, boob jobs (I like those too) all of it just to look better on the outside but the inside is still a complete mess. You can't fool yourself only the mirror is vain enough to believe you.

All creatures are meant to procreate humans have the unfair advantage of spawning with a mate he/she loves. Love is no simple topic (believe me when I say I'm not in the business of belittling the great institution of love) in the society we live perfection is required tip the scale and ease and comfort is sought after. These two contradict each other and always will but put a dollar sign in between them and all of a sudden they add up. Having the perfect body takes practice and exercise diet pills are placebo you can't expect to lose weight when you don't eat right or do any exercises. Face the facts if you are a fat bloke you’re never going to be a skinny bloke. You can cut a few pounds but be realistic. Looking for the perfect partner that matches your distinct criteria is like saving the ice cube from the cold. Hard work and commitment are the things needed to create real sentiment and value and this is true for all relationships.  

The grand exit! Media is constantly bombarding us with images of perfect relationships and a wonderful sex life these images seeps into the deepest cavities of our personal existence and when the dreams of white picket fences and 2 and a half children are destroyed you are left with nothing. Woman are crushed and develop self esteem problems, commitment issues. Men don't do soft but the affect of rejection is the same. Where will one find acceptance now? The capitalist market comes to the rescue once again. INTERNET PORN!


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